Shift Africa is an eLan Property Group business initiative, that combines Corporate Social Responsibility with general business sense. Shift Africa empowers existing and prospective business owners, with the objective of creating as many sustainable small businesses as possible around a catalytic hub. Through various business hubs, starting at Blythedale on the North Coast, this initiative will provide small businesses with opportunities, training, and connections, in their bid to become autonomous and self-sustainable. Shift Africa Business Expo 2020 is to be held in partnership with FNB Fundaba and Enterprise ILembe.

The Shift Africa Expo is structured according to the Shift Africa Business Model – that is, one central business hub, from which 8 pillars emerge. These 8 pillars make up the different industries within which small businesses can be grown and nurtured. The Expo will be held at Blythedale Coastal Estate (central hub), and business exhibitors will be physically grouped according to the category/pillar they fall under.

How It Works

A business hub acts as a catalyst for new development, the first such hub being Blythedale Coastal Estate. From a business hub emerge 8 key pillars, classified as:

  1. Infrastructure and Construction
  2. Education and Training
  3. Tourism and Travel
  4. Manufacturing
  5. Services and Retail
  6. Health and Wellness
  7. Land, Agricultural, and Environment
  8. Safety and Security

Every one of these pillars has 8 sub-pillars supporting its operation, which in turn all have sub-categories supporting their operation. Each category and pillar represent a different business. The Expo will match relevant, existing businesses with categories or pillars and get every potential business owner a head start in their preferred industry. From there, Shift Africa nurtures, trains and supports these business owners, allowing them, and all Shift Africa members, to flourish within the framework.

This event at Blythedale will be the springboard for a whole host of small businesses in the North Coast region, which is why we’re requesting that you become one of these businesses, or that you come show your support as a future customer.

For more information contact Jason

Background on eLan initiatives:

eLan Property Group has been at the forefront of the KZN property market since its inception in 1997. The company, using our numerous successful developments as a platform, has always endeavoured to comply with the dimensions of the triple bottom line – social, environmental and financial. This is encapsulated by our slogan, “Green Living is in Your Nature”. eLan has always been financially and environmentally responsible; promoting sustainable living in order to ensure a sustainable future. Our company takes an active role in community engagement and empowerment, often through the success of our property development initiatives, such as at Simbithi Eco Estate. Through the eLan Foundation, we aim to “Sow a Seed, Leave a Legacy”, and ensure that our developments are not islands of wealth, but provide continuous benefits to neighbouring communities.

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